High-End Software Diagnostics, Forensics, Prognostics Solutions, Seminars, Training, Certification, Memory Dump and Trace Analysis Audit

Accelerated Software DiagnosticsTM BugInject® The Way You Learn DebuggingTM I'm Debuggin' IT® The Home of Software Diagnostics®TM
Software Diagnostics WorkbenchTM LogOS - Log OS - LoggingOS® Narrascope® LogTellect® PatternSight Training PlatformTM BriteTrace®
High-End Software DiagnosticsTM ToolObjects® High-End Software ForensicsTM EasyDbg® High-End Software PrognosticsTM WinNarrative®
Projective DebuggerTM ArtDbg® Artificial DebuggerTM Diagnostics of ThingsTM DiaThings® CVnar®TM Dia|gramTM SupportSim® Narrachain®
Pattern-Oriented AITM Anolog.io® Syndromatix®: Pattern-Oriented Artificial Intelligence for Diagnostic Sciences crAIsh® dAIgnosticsTM

Pattern-Oriented Windows Memory Forensics Training Pack

This comprehensive training is for security researchers, malware and digital forensic analysts who have never used WinDbg debugger from Microsoft Debugging Tools for Windows for the analysis of computer memory. The course is also useful for technical support and escalation engineers who analyse memory dumps from complex software environments and need to delve deeper into abnormal software structure and behavior. The training pack features:

Pattern-Oriented Unix Memory Dump Analysis Training Pack

Learn how to analyze application crashes and freezes, navigate through process memory dump space and diagnose corruption, memory leaks, CPU spikes, blocked threads, deadlocks, wait chains, and much more. We use a unique and innovative pattern-oriented analysis approach to speed up the learning curve. The training pack consists of practical step-by-step exercises using GDB and LLDB debuggers highlighting dozens of memory analysis patterns diagnosed in 64-bit process memory dumps from Mac OS X and Linux platforms.

Linux Memory Dump Analysis for Endpoint Security Training Pack

This comprehensive training for software security practitioners teaches analysis of process and kernel memory dumps and related skills, such as reversing, using a unique and innovative pattern-oriented analysis approach developed by Software Diagnostics Institute to speed up the learning curve.

This comprehensive training pack for software technical support engineers, system administrators, DevOps and DevSecOps, security engineers, vulnerability researchers, software developers, and testers features:

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