Complete Pattern-Oriented Software Diagnostics Training Pack features 21 training courses, +260 hands-on exercises, and +6,000 pages of training books.
This pack includes the following training courses:
- Practical Foundations of Windows Debugging, Disassembling, Reversing, Second Edition
- Accelerated Windows Memory Dump Analysis, Sixth Edition (2 courses)
- Advanced Windows Memory Dump Analysis with Data Structures, Fourth Edition, Revised
- Accelerated Windows Malware Analysis with Memory Dumps, Third Edition
- Accelerated .NET Core Memory Dump Analysis, Revised Edition (2 courses)
- Accelerated Disassembly, Reconstruction and Reversing, Third Edition
- Accelerated Windows Debugging4, Fourth Edition
- Accelerated macOS Core Dump Analysis, Third Edition (2 courses)
- Accelerated Linux Core Dump Analysis, Third Edition
- Extended Windows Memory Dump Analysis, Second Edition
- Accelerated Linux Disassembly, Reconstruction and Reversing, Second Edition
- Accelerated Windows API for Software Diagnostics, Second Edition
- Accelerated Linux API for Software Diagnostics
- Accelerated Linux Debugging4
- Accelerated Rust Windows Memory Dump Analysis
- Memory Thinking for Rust
- Accelerated C & C++ for Windows Diagnostics, Second Edition
- Accelerated C & C++ for Linux Diagnostics, Second Edition
- Access to Software Diagnostics Library
- Recordings
When you purchase the training pack, you additionally get recordings (where available) and a free named Software Diagnostics Library membership with access to more than 240 cross-referenced trace and log analysis patterns, 440 cross-referenced patterns of memory dump analysis, their classification, and more than 70 case studies.
There is an option to buy Pattern-Oriented Software Diagnostics and Anomaly Detection Reference Set, and Memory Dump Analysis Anthology Volume Set (18 books) in PDF format together with the PDF version of the pack (more than 8,000 pages of reference materials).
All PDF options of this complete pack include three years of updates, including new editions of training courses and reference materials and new Memory Dump Analysis Anthology volumes.
NEW! During three years, you can also register and attend the scheduled online training courses (once per individual course subject; a registrant's details should match the customer's) to get certificates. NEW!