Memory Dump Analysis Audit

Adding AI. Analysis Improvement.

Problem: You are not satisfied with a crash analysis report.

Problem: You are a novice and need expert pattern-oriented analysis of your crash and hang memory dump files or debugger logs.

Problem: Your critical issue is escalated to the VP level. Engineers analyze memory dumps and software traces. No definite conclusion so far. You want to be sure that nothing has been omitted from the analysis.

Problem: You analyze a system dump or a software trace. You need a second pair of eyes but don’t want to send your memory dump due to your company security policies.

Problem: ...

Solution: On the 1st of January, 2011 we launched the first Memory Dump Analysis Audit service.

This year we revised Memory Dump Analysis Audit service with the following agreement levels:


Price: USD 300 per 1 incident with response time: 5 working days


Price: USD 500 (with NDA: USD 1,000) per 1 incident with response time: 3 working days


Price: USD 1000 (with NDA: USD 2,000) per 1 incident with response time: 1 working day

Service Level Agreement

You can also view the LinkedIn service page.